Sunday, 19 August 2007

802.11b WLAN Waveguide Antennas

Waveguides? Aren't they a bit complicated?
In a word, Yes! Microwave technology is pretty esoteric, and it used to be reserved for the "spooks" designing electronic warfare systems, radars, and the like.
But microwave equipment has been steadily penetrating into mainstream applications. Microwave ovens (operating at 2.4GHz) have already been with us for several decades. These have been joined by satellite dishes and LNBs operating at 10GHz and more recently, multichannel 2.4GHz cordless phones.
Microwave technology seems complex because we have left the boffins in charge for too long. Microwave text books have been written by academics who revel in every detailed equation. But you don't really need to know about Poynting vectors or Maxwell's
equations to deploy a really effective Wireless LAN. Let me show you how simple it really is...

How I Produced These Designs and Charts
These slotted waveguide designs are the result of lengthy simulation using Zeland Software's Fidelity and IE3D electromagnetic simulators. Fidelity is much better at modelling waveguide structures than my favorite simulator, NEC2, but it is quite an expensive package, with a long learning curve...
Simulation can give you much more information about the performance of a microwave antenna than you get from building it. This is because there are severe limitations in the accuracy of measurements at microwave frequencies. Simulation makes it easier to see subtle interdependencies that would be very difficult to measure. In this case, I used the simulation to tell me how the antennas should behave, and then verified the performance both in my lab and on my antenna 'test range'. The results were surprisingly accurate - and attest to the quality of the Zeland Fidelity software.
How a Waveguide Antenna Works
A waveguide is a very low loss transmission line. It allows us to propagate signals to a number of smaller antennas (slots). The signal is coupled into the waveguide with a simple coaxial probe, and as it travels along the guide it traverses the slots. Each of these slots allows a little of the energy to radiate. The slots are in a linear array pattern, and the total of all the radiated signals adds up to a very significant power gain over a small range of angles close to the horizon. In other words, the waveguide antenna transmits almost all of its energy at the horizon, usually exactly where we want it to go. Its exceptional directivity in the elevation plane gives it quite high power gain. Additionally, unlike vertical colinear antennas, the slotted waveguide transmits its energy using HORIZONTAL polarization, the best type for distance transmission.
At left we can see a graphical representation of the E field intensity shortly after starting excitation of an 8 slot waveguide. The slots are to the left of the image. The coaxial probe is at the lower end of the image, and the field can be seen to be clumped at maxima every half wavelength as they travel up the waveguide. The waveguide airspace takes up the middle 1/2 of the bluespace, the rest is air infront of (to the left) and behind (to the right) the antenna.
If you click here you can bring up a Windows Media Format Movie version. An MPEG-1 version is at this link. You can see the wave travelling up the waveguide from the probe. The intensity of the E field is given by the color. Here we have primarily blue colors, about -40dB on the final (red) intensity which is achieved once the resonance is fully excited. When the signal first gets to the top and starts reflecting back down the air column it is still green, about -30dB from its ultimate intensity. Reflections are also occuring from the plug at the bottom of the airspace, and the sum effect of all these, including continual drive from the coaxial probe, allows the intensity to build up through yellow and red (0db) signal levels. You can see the signal radiating out the slots at the left of the image. The radiation intensity is less at the top than at the bottom in an 8 slot design, it is hard to radiate perfectly with such a limited number of slots.

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