Friday, 1 April 2011

Instructions For Program Flow Control

with instruction for program flow control, microcontroller can to jump or branch to the address of memory program to take another action. Each action is consisting of a set of microcontroller instructions. This branching instructions are partitioned in to two categories, unconditional and conditional jump.

Instructions for Unconditional Jump

This instruction is happened without any condition that must be met. There are four instructions for unconditional jump in MCS 51 family assembly language, i.e SJMP, AJMP, LJMP and JMP.

Instructions for Conditional Jump

This instruction is happened if satisfy a certain condition. There are about eight instructions for conditional jump in MCS 51 family assembly language, i.e JZ, JNZ, JC, JNC, JB, JNB, CJNE, and DJNZ.


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