Wednesday 30 March 2011

Electronic WorkBench tutorial 2

Using the main instruments

EWB incorporates a number of instruments, such as an oscilloscope and a function generator. The following provides an introduction to these two instruments. To briefly investigate the function generator, build the circuit below.
Figure 2. The function generator with bargraph displays.

The function generator

1. Drag the function generator onto the circuit window.
2. Double-click on the function generator. You can now change its settings, such as the wave form, the signal amplitude and the signal frequency.
3. The function generator has three terminals, "-", "common" and "+". Connect the common to a ground terminal.
4. Get two red probes from the Indicators toolbar. Wire them to the "+" and "-" terminals, and activate the circuit. You should now have two blinking red lights. To get a little bit more information we will attach a second kind of indicators.

5. Get two decoded bargraph displays form the indicator toolbar.
6. Wire one terminal of each of the bargraph indicators to ground, and the other terminals to the "+" and "-" terminals of the function generator.
7. Experiment with changing the wave form and frequency of the signal generator.

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